Below is MP Yasir Naqvi's letter to NCC (National Capital Commission’s) expressing disappointment over their opposition to MCA's request for party status in upcoming OLT (Ontario Land Tribunal) Case management conference for the Embassy Precinct on the parcel of greenspace by Burnside Avenue (also commonly known as Lazy Bay Commons)
MCA is seeking Party Status to the NCC’s provincial appeal of the City's rejection of its application for 5 Diplomatic Compounds
MCA is seeking Party Status to the NCC’s provincial appeal of the City's rejection of its application for 5 Diplomatic Compounds.This will be precedent-setting as we want to hold NCC accountable for preserving trees and greenspace, contamination rehabilitation and community safety.We will need funding for legal counsel and experts who will testify on these subjects.The funding goal is a minimum of $20,000. If you can help, please donate at - Every donation up to $5K will be matched until August 31st. Let’s show the NCC, don’t mess with Mechanicsville!
EXTENDED DATES (4th time): Road Closure - Hinchey Avenue
At the request of the contractor, the City of Ottawa has extended the dates for the closure of Hinchey Avenue from Scott Street to Lyndale Avenue have been extended. The road will remain closed until Friday, 29 July 2022
The original request is here and the previous extensions are here, here and here.
New Home Air Quality Study (NHAQS) study by Health Canada
Are you moving into a newly built home in Ottawa? Health Canada wants to better understand indoor air quality in new homes. Find out if you qualify for this research study! Pls RT & share! visit
Update on Laroche Park from City staff
The following is an update on Larcohe Park from City staff:
The project team appreciates the patience and understanding of residents during the construction of the park and delays due to unforeseen site conditions, supply chain related issues and labour delays due to COVID - all very real factors in creating schedule delays. We are grateful that given the numbers of constructions workers on site that contracted COVID, they have all recovered and working again to complete the project.
As presented in to the Community in October 2020 at the final public meeting, a primary focus of the project was to remediate the impacts of the former landfill on site. This required excavation of areas accommodating the new building, park amenities and numerous new tree planting, removal of existing material, regrading of the entire park, with no construction taking place until fill movement was completed. Following the regrading, clean soil capping material delivery continues to the site and put in place across the entire park. The sourcing of clean soil was made more difficult under Ontario's new excess soil regulations. The clean soil could not be brought to site in winter as it would freeze and could not be properly graded however, once the spring thaw arrived and the soil was ready for delivery. Transport has been slowed due to the high demand and limited availability of dump trucks. The reduced number of available trucks has been addressed with extra deliveries of soil that have been scheduled on Saturdays.
Current Anticipated Timelines (subject to change for many reasons)
Field house: open and accessible in Nov 2022
Splash Pad: Spring 2023
Basketball Court: Spring 2023
Sports Field Available: 2024
Ice Rink: Winter 2023/2024
EXTENDED DATES (3rd time): Road Closure - Hinchey Avenue
EXTENDED DATES (2nd time): Road Closure - Hinchey Avenue
EXTENDED DATES: Road Closure - Forward Avenue
At the request by the contractor (JDS Enterprises Ottawa Ltd), City of Ottawa has approved the extension of road closure of Forward Avenue from Burnside Avenue to Lyndale Avenue. The road will remain closed until Friday, 8 July 2022.
EXTENDED DATES: Road Close - Hinchey Avenue
At the request by the contractor, City of Ottawa has approved the extension of road closure of Hinchey Avenue from Scott Street to Lyndale Avenue have been extended. The road will remain closed until Thursday, 30 June 2022
Road Close - Hinchey Avenue
City of Ottawa has autorized road closere for Hinchey Avenue (Ward 15) from Scott Street to Lyndale Avenue. The road will be closed on Monday, 20 June 2022 to Friday, 24 June 2022.
Road Closure - Parkdale Avenue Northbound On-Ramp
City of Ottawa has authorized road closure for Parkdale Avenue Northbound On-Ramp (Ward 15) to Eastbound Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway. The road will be closed from Monday, 13 June 2022 to Wednesday, 30 November 2022.
Sunday May 29 Race Weekend Burnside Avenue
Sunday May 29, from 6:15am to 11:45am, Tamarack Race 10K runners will be in Mechanicsville on Burnside Avenue. Get out and cheer the runners!
What's happening at Tunneys?
What's happening at Tunneys? Join one of 2 virtual workshops to find out and provide feedback (grocery store and dog park would be nice)
Register for the virtual workshop on May 25 and 26 HERE.
Closure of Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway eastbound lane
NCC has announced that Eastbound lane of the Parkway between Parkdale Avenue and Nepean Bay will be closed from June to November 2022. The westbound lanes will remain open to motor vehicle traffic and become bidirectional. The Parkdale Avenue ramps will be closed from May 16 to June 20, but access for pedestrians and cyclists will remain open. During Weekend Bikedays, this section will be open exclusively for active use. The work may require some pathway closures.
Temporary Road Closure for Parkdale Ave from Emerson Ave to the Parkway
Temporary Road Closure for Parkdale Ave from Emerson Ave to the Parkway from 7:00am Monday, 16 May 2022 to 5:00pm Friday, 10 June 2022 for installation of Low Temperature Hot Water pipes at Tunneys
Citizen article by Big Trees of Kitchissippi
Thank you, Big Trees of Kitchissippi, Mechanicsville needs to be at the table!
Hazardous Waste at Tunney Pasture
Hazardous Waste Depot at Tunney Pasture from 8am to 4pm on Sunday Apr 24th. No electronic waste. Its quicker to walk or bike ride (will be lots of cars in line) over to the south west corner of Tunneys and follow signage.
Trees Not Embassies at Preston & Carling at 1pm on Saturday.
Join Trees Not Embassies at Preston & Carling at 1pm on Saturday. Bring signs or we can pick up your sign for others to use!
Mechanicsville AGM
Mark your calendar for the MCA AGM on Feb 8 2022 from 7 to 9pm
Virtual Meeting on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 871 2746 8411
Passcode: 613613
or telephone: 1 647 374 4685
Proposed development at the Beer Store
Book your calendar for this online meeting on Jan 27 to hear about the proposed development at the Beer Store. Note: commercial space at ground level, a grocery store would be nice!