Road closure extended for Carrther's Avenue
Road closure for Carruthers Avenue from Stonehurst Avenue to Lyndale Avenue has been extended. The road will remain closed until end of business Friday, 12 July 2019.
New Market mobile timing for Mechanicsville
Market Mobile is coming to Mechanicsville every week on Thursday at 7pm.
Keith Brown's b-day party today at Grunt
REMINDER: Come celebrate Mechanicsville’s living legend on his actual birth date with a Wine & Cheese hosted by MCA. Drop by for a brush with greatness, your presence will be his presents!
When: Today (Tuesday, June 11, 2019) @ 8-10pm
Where: Grunt Restaurant at 173 Hinchey Avenue, Ottawa, K1Y1L7
EXTENSION: Road Close Authorization - Carruthers Avenue (from Scott Street to Ladouceur Streeet)
The city has extended road closure of Carruthers Avenue (from Scott Street to Ladouceur Street) till end of business Friday, July 19th
Keith's 90th!
Come celebrate Mechanicsville’s living legend on his actual birth date with a Wine & Cheese hosted by MCA. Drop by for a brush with greatness, your presence will be his presents!
When: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 @ 8-10pm
Where: Grunt Restaurant at 173 Hinchey Avenue, Ottawa, K1Y1L7
Reminder: SWCHC free giveaway and BBQ at Laroche Park Fieldhouse on June 1st from 11am-1pm
SWCHC is organizing a free giveaway and BBQ at Laroche Park Fieldhouse on June 1st from 11am-1pm.
Road closure on June 1-5
The following road closures are occurring:
Parkdale Avenue from Emmerson Avenue to Burnside Avenue. The road will be closed from 9:00AM Saturday, 1 June 2019 to 6:00PM Sunday, 2 June 2019
Burnside Avenue from Parkdale Avenue to Forward Avenue. The road will be closed from Monday, 3 June 2019 to Friday, 7 June 2019.
SWCHC free giveaway and BBQ at Laroche Park Fieldhouse on June 1st from 11am-1pm
SWCHC is organizing a free giveaway and BBQ at Laroche Park Fieldhouse on June 1st from 11am-1pm.
City of Ottawa's rental accommodation survey/consulatation
City of Ottawa is conducting review of regulations governing private sector rental properties to address public health and safety, consumer protection, community nuisances and other areas of municipal concern. It includes AirBnB.
The survey is now available here.
Reminder: Clean Up Mechanicsville on Sunday May 26th from 1 to 4pm
Drop in and pickup gloves, garbage and leaf bags at the Laroche Park Community Centre and clean up your favourite part of Mechanicsville.
O train noise complaints
The O-train is currently being tested by the city. If the community has any noise complaints, they can be sent to Damon Berlin with Stakeholder Relations with O-Train Construction and O-Train Planning/Transportation Services Department - City of Ottawa tel: 613-580-2424 ext/poste 12764
JHS Carruther's programs for it's residents
As part of it’s mandate, the JHS Carruther’s offers programming for ti’s residents. They have been kind enough to share their May programming with MCA.
Board games and tea on Monday
Health literature on Tuesday
Nicotine replacement therapy every second Wednesday
Bingo on Wednesday
Paint night on Thursday
Changing Direction group discusison on Friday
Different activities on Friday (Garden cleanup, Community cleanup, clay creation, pooch in the park, rock painting)
Clean Up Mechanicsville on Sunday May 26th from 1 to 4pm
Drop in and pickup gloves, garbage and leaf bags at the Laroche Park Community Centre and clean up your favourite part of Mechanicsville.
JHS's Carruther location is celebrating their one year anniversary
The John Howard Societies' Enhanced Supportive housing on Carruthers is celebrating its 1 year anniversary by having a BBQ on Wednesday, May 15th from 4:30-6:30pm. Foods and drinks will be provided.
Address: 55 Carruthers Avenue, K1Y 1N3
Please RSVP to
SWCHC Community kitchen
Come join SWCHC as they cook together as a community. They will be learning simple and healthy dishes that you will be able to cook for your family. It is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors too. They will be meeting once a month
Location: 18 Burnside Avenue
Date: Monday, May 13th, 2019
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Road closure authorized for Parkdale Avenue from 9:00AM Saturday, May 4th to 6:00PM Sunday, May 5th
There will be a road closure from Parkdale Avenue (Ward 15) from Emmerson Avenue to Burnside Avenue. The road will be closed from 9:00AM Saturday, 4 May 2019 to 6:00PM Sunday, 5 May 2019.
Laroche Park environment assessment
City of Ottawa had been given a “Baseline Environment Site Assessment” for Laroche Park. The assessment is available here.
Electing MCA board members at upcoming AGM on May 14th
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Mechanicsville Community Association will be held on Tuesday May 14th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bayview Yards (7 Bayview Road). Elections for Board members will be held by ballot at this meeting. Please fill out the form below if you wish to be nominated for this election. Please return the completed form by e-mail to Nominations may also be made at the meeting. Inorder to be considered for election to the Board all nominees must be paid up members of the Community Association for the current year.
Board members are expected to regularly attend monthly Board meetings and be actively involved in issues affecting the community of Mechanicsville. .
In addition Board members have to serve on at least one of the following committees: Planning & Development, Security, Communications and Events, Membership.
Board members agree to abide by the Association’s Code of Ethics for Board Members.
Laroche park will not be getting it's contaminated soil remediated as planned.
Mechanicsville Community Association is extremely disappointed to learn from Councillor Leiper that there are currently no funds allocated for the contaminated soil remediation of Laroche Park, as planned. The MCA will continue to push the City of Ottawa to consider a smaller clean up to accommodate the new Field House and the Sens Multipurpose Rink. Our community will continue with the design/consultation process so we have completed plans for Laroche Park that meet all our needs. MCA will continue to fight for this project as Laroche Park is important to this community and we need your continued support.